Hi, I'm Michal, Sparkie to some, Mom to two, and newly located from the farm to the beach! I'm a lifelong fine artist, designer, illustrator, sometimes author and all around creative person.
I love inspiring others with all the clever ideas I have learned along the way.
I tend to work best when I have multiple projects going at once, these could include oil paintings, watercolors, printing home textiles, sewing children's fashions from vintage clothes, painting on wood, sewing with reclaimed leather, using recycled copper, making fused plastic collages, stationary...the list is as endless as my imagination!
Any given day can find me in my studio, at the beach, walking the dogs around town or at my shop, A Clever Spark in Point Pleasant Beach.
I love:
art, museums, all of it! (its in my blood)
fashion, fabrics, textiles (been sewing since a kid)
gardening, the outdoors (the one weird child that wanted to pull weeds)
books, stories, paper, words, (the smell and feel of a book, yes!)
dogs, well, just Shadow and Mini (the only pets I'm allowed now that I am off the farm, :( No more chickens or sheep)
home décor (cannot get off pinterest and stop moving around the furniture!)
my two crazy teenagers, and my man (the three people in my life that make it worth it all!)
I'm happy to share my personal stories, the funny, the ridiculous, and the heartfelt
and share some DIY creative experiences, thoughts and ideas and hopefully inspire you to find the clever spark in your life!
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